A work in progress travel blog

Category: Other

Bookstore and library book mobile in NYC, photos by Karen Hsin

2023 recap, books I read this year

I didn’t want to end the year without posting at least once, so here’s my half-baked 2023 recap of books I read this year. At the beginning of the year, I had a simple resolution of reading at least 5 minutes a day. I’m always envious of people who read 20+ or more books a year. Where does Obama find the time to read so much that he can have a favorites list with 15 books? That’s more than what I read in a whole year! I figured, I need to start somewhere and 5 minutes a day seemed easy enough.

Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

How Slovenia kick started my hitchhiking adventures

A story about how poor planning can sometimes lead to surprising rewards

Something that annoys me about NYC is how far away everything is if you don’t live in the middle of Manhattan. It’s an understatement that all New Yorkers have a love-hate relationship with our transit system, the MTA. Most train lines easily connect to Manhattan, but if you need to go from Brooklyn to Queens, there are few options that won’t force you to traverse through half of Manhattan. Often times, when I’m sitting on these hour+ long train rides perhaps on my way to visit a friend in Queens, I find myself fantasizing a utopian version of New York where I can easily hitch a ride with anyone who’s already driving toward my destination.

In reality, that fantasy has no chance to ever materialize. You’d be hard pressed to find a New Yorker who would let a stranger borrow their cellphone, let alone stopping their car in the middle of traffic to pick up a stranger. Who needs to hitchhike anyway when the MTA runs 24/7 and almost gets you to your destination for $2.75?

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